Five Hundred Eyes

The people who were Five Hundred Eyes

Named and shamed, the dubious miscreants responsible for the contents over the years ...

Richard Augood

Ian Berriman

Jonathan Burt

Nicole Clapp

Andrew Day

Sean Ditchfield

David Gibbs


Richard Gibbs

Not Hamster-Wutt

Ian Levy

Shaun Ley

Paul McGrade

Stephen O'Brien

Jackie Roe

Paddy Sinclair

Nikki Whitehead

  • cartoon (2)

Jamie Woolley

plus letters from Edward Lord, Patrick White, Nick Cooper, Nicholas Laister, Jane Evans, Jon Fraser, Melvyn Ferris, Pete Murphy, Gareth Preston, John Lumb and most of those listed above.

It occurs to me that most of what's missing online are the "funnies" - little cartoons and allegedly-humorous asides that set the tone of the zine. Anyone reading this website might get the impression FHE was a bit po-faced. I hope to remedy this eventually ... one day ...

Five Hundred Eyes thematic index